Vincent Bonhomme
Vincent Bonhomme is Head and Professor of Anesthesiology at the University Hospital of Liege and the University of Liege, Belgium, as well as the Principal Investigator of the Anesthesia and Perioperative Neuroscience Laboratory, GIGA-Consciousness Thematic Unit, GIGA Research, Liege University, Belgium. He is deeply involved in the Belgian Society of Anesthesiology, Resuscitation, Perioperative medicine and Pain management (BeSARPP), a Member of the Belgian Royal Academy of Medicine, deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica, and the Chair of the Neuroanesthesia Subcommittee of the European Society of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care (ESAIC).
Dr. Bonhomme's main clinical activity englobes neurosurgical anesthesiology and algology. He has long been involved in clinical and fundamental research, with main topics of interest including, among others, the brain mechanisms of the alteration of consciousness during general anesthesia and nociception monitoring. He is the author or co-author of more than 120 publications in peer-reviewed journals, as well as of several book chapters.